Korea-Indonesia Forest Center

Green Partnership, Green Future

About Us

Korea-Indonesia Forest Center (KIFC) was established to support the development and implementation of Korea-Indonesia cooperation in the field of forestry and sustainable forest management, based on mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual benefit.


To be nationally and internationally recognized as the center for the development and implementation of Korea-Indonesia cooperation in the field of forestry, based on mutual trust, mutual respect, and mutual benefit.


To facilitate the communication and liaise between KFS and MoEF, provide necessary information and services for the cooperation, identify opportunities for new projects, implement cooperation projects, to support the private/public sector’s engagement in forestry investment through good coordination and communication among stakeholders and an effective promotion.


1. Sentul Eco-Edu Tourism Forest (SEETF) in Bogor, West Java Province 2. Rumpin Seed Source and Nursery Center, in Bogor, West Java Province 3. Korea-Indonesia Joint REDD+ Project at ‘Tasik Besar Serkap’ Forest Management Unit in Riau Province 4. Development of Forest Recreation at Tunak Ecotourism Park in Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara Province 5. Development of biomass trial plantation at Forest Management Unit in Semarang, Central Java Province 6. Korean Gallery at Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, in Bogor, West Java Province 7. Korea-Indonesia Joint Peatland Restoration Project at Londerang, in Jambi Province 8. Pilot Project for Forest Fire and Land Monitoring Center in Jambi and South Sumatera Province

Tantangan dan Peluang Wisata Alami Pasca Wabah Pandemi Covid-19 di TWA GUNUNG TUNAK
KIFC – BKSDA NTB Gelar Webinar, Bahas Wisata TWA Gunung Tunak Pascapendemi Korona
Geliat Ekowisata Gunung Tunak Hadapi Tantangan Covid-19
Kolaborasi Bersama, Diskusi Virtual Untuk Atasi Dampak Corona di TWA Gunung Tunak

Meet Our Director

Lee Sung-gil

Lee Sung-gil

Korean Co-Director of KIFC
Sugeng Marsudiarto

Sugeng Marsudiarto

Indonesian Co-Director of KIFC