Korea-Indonesia Joint Peatland Restoration Project at Londerang, in Jambi Province

The MOU of this project was signed by the Minister of Korea Forest Service and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic Indonesia on behalf of the Head of Peatland Restoration Agency in Seoul in May 2016.  However, because the partner of this project in Indonesia turned into the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF), it needs a new MOU between the KFS and MoEF. Currently, the new MOU is in the process to be signed soon.

Project Periode :

The period of the project is: 2019-2022

Project Location :

The project location is in Londerang Peat Protected Forest in Tanjung Jabung Timur and Muaro Jambi Districts, Jambi Province;

Project Activities :

  • Restoration of burnt peatland and enhancing resilience to climate change;
  • Rewetting of burnt peatland;
  • Improving the livelihood of the community

The MOU of this project was signed by the Minister of Korea Forest Service and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Republic Indonesia on behalf of the Head of Peatland Restoration Agency in Seoul in May 2016.  However, because the partner of this project in Indonesia turned into the Ministry of Environment and Forestry (MOEF), it needs a new MOU between the KFS and MoEF. Currently, the new MOU is in the process to be signed soon.

Project Period :

The period of the project is: 2019-2022

Project Location :

The project location is in Londerang Peat Protected Forest in Tanjung Jabung Timur and Muaro Jambi Districts, Jambi Province;

Project Activities :

  • Restoration of burnt peatland and enhancing resilience to climate change;
  • Rewetting of burnt peatland;
  • Improving the livelihood of the community