Korea-Indonesia Joint REDD+ Project at “Tasik Besar Serkap” Forest Management Unit (FMU) in Riau Province

Project Period :

·         The period of the project is: 2013-2016

Project Location :

·         The project is located at FMU Tasik Besar Serkap, in Pelalawan and Siak Districts, Riau Province, about 4 hours driving from Pekanbaru, the capital of Riau Province.

Project Activities :

  • Improvement of forest management of peatland by supporting the Forest Management Unit and local people through capacity building activities
  • Development  of mid and long-term forest management plans as well as Business Plan
  • Development of Project Document for the preparation of the implementation of REDD+
  • Procurement of 60 motorcycles and three-wheel motorcycles for patrolling for forest fire prevention, to be distributed to the FMUs throughout Indonesia

Achievement :

·         Management plans, Business plan, Capacity building (for FMU member and local communities), support the local community, forest rehabilitation, and readiness for the implementation of REDD+ (Project Document, demarcation).

Lessons Learned :

·         The importance of the involvement of the local community for the success of forest management.