Forestry cooperation between Korea and Indonesia has been a very long time, even before the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries in 1973. Beginning in 1968, when a Korean company, namely PT. KODECO obtain concession permit in Batu Licin- South Kalimantan with the area of 270,000 ha, and since then other several Korean companies also obtain permit.
The increasing cooperation in the field of forestry, inspired the twocountries to establish an institution that would facilitate the implementation of the cooperation projects. Then, on June 29, 2010, the both sides, the Ministry of Forestry (MoF) of Indonesia and the Korea Forest Service (KFS) signed the ROD (Record of Discussion) concerning the Establishment and Operation of KIFC. Through the establishment of KIFC, the communication between the MoF with the KFS to be more effective, especially in terms of implementation of cooperation projects in the field of forestry.
Since its establishment, there were some cooperation projects that have been facilitated and/or implemented and/or being prepared by KIFC, they are:
- Sentul Eco-Edu Tourism Forest (SEETF)
- Korea-Indonesia Joint project on REDD+ in Tasik Besar Serkap Forest Management Unit – Riau;
- Development of Korean Gallery at Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park;
- Supporting the operation of Rumpin Seed Source and Nursery Center (RSSNC)
- Development of forest recreation at Taman Wisata Alam Gunung Tunak – Lombok;
- Development of biomass trial plantation at KPH Semarang;
- Preparing the implementation of the Korea-Indonesia cooperation project on peatland restoration in Londerang – Jambi;
Besides of those projects, KIFC also participating on several activities conducted by the MoF (since 2015 becoming the Ministry of Environment and Forestry- MoEF), such as : Indogreen forestry expo, PeSoNa social forestry, International forest day, INAFOR, planting ceremony, Indonesia national park festival.
The RoD was amended in October 2019, was signed in Jakarta by the Secretary General of MoEF on 28 October 2019 (for Indonesian side) and signed at Daejon by the Deputy Minister of Korea Forest Service on 29 October 2019 (for Korean side). As stated in the amendment, the role and function of the KIFC are:
- To facilitate and coordinate the implementation of Korea-Indonesia cooperation projects on forestry, including the existing/on-going projects, in Indonesia;
- To implement Korea-Indonesia cooperation projects and activities on forestry in Indonesia;
- To facilitate communication between the Parties;
- To facilitate Korea-Indonesia bilateral meetings on forestry, particularly the Forest Cooperative Committee meeting and its processes as referred to in Article 5 of the 1987 Agreement;
- To provide necessary information to explore and strengthen further cooperation;
- To facilitate private/public sectors’ engagement in forestry investment;
- To report its activities, projects’ progress, and financial disbursement to the Parties annually;
- To carry out other functions as decided or directed by the Parties.