Rumpin Seed Source and Nursery Center, in West Java Province

Rumpin Seed Source and Nursery Centre (RSSNC) is a joint project between the Government of Korea and the Government of Indonesia, starting in 2005 when the Records of Discussion (ROD) was signed by both governments. The project was funded by KOICA, until its completion in 2010.  In 2011 KIFC and MoF signed an RoD on the Development and Operation of the RSSNC, and the RoD was amended every year and the last amendment is in 2019.

Project Period:

·         1st Stage: 2005-2010 (Funded by KOICA);

·         2nd Stage: 2011- 2020 (Funded by KFS/KIFC);

Project Location:

·         The RSSNC is located in Rumpin, Bogor (90 km away from Jakarta: 2 hour’s drive away).  It has an experimental forest at Jasinga and Karawang, West Java Province.

·         The total area at Rumpin is 18 Ha, and the area of experimental forests at Jasinga and Karawang is 83 Hectares and 200 Hectares respectively.

Project Activities:

  1. Construction of Rumpin Seed Source and Nursery Center consists of Office, laboratory of tissue culture, soil, seed management, greenhouses, hedge orchard facility, dormitory, and warehouse building
  2. Supply of equipment
  3. Establishment of the nursery, hedge orchard, and demonstration plot
  4. Establishment of seed sources at Jasinga, Karawang;
  5. Capacity building
  6. Seed exploration